California Dermatologists’ Best Winter Sunscreen Tips for Healthy Beautiful Skin
Want some free winter skincare advice from California Skin Institute’s board-certified dermatologists?
Tip #1:
Wherever you live in California, whether it’s SoCal or the San Francisco Bay Area, you need to wear sunscreen even during the winter. All of CSI’s licensed practitioners agree on the necessity of sunscreen, even during California’s cooler, often foggy and rainy winter months.
Why Sunscreen is Vital During California Winter Months
Why is applying sunscreen vital in California during the winter months?
- Wrinkles
- Hyperpigmentation
- Sagging
Exposure to light remains a major cause of noticeable aging of the skin. Skin aging occurs inevitably simply through years of living, but how soon it happens can depend on certain variables. Some, like our genetic pattern for aging, can’t be changed. However, we can control how much we protect our skin from light exposure.
Light exposure is cumulative. It may take years before the effects start to show. It starts with tiny lines in the corners of our eyes and our forehead with more wrinkles and deeper ones creasing our faces with the passage of time. Light, especially sunlight, gradually gives your skin the appearance of leather. It’s no accident that a key process in making leather is called “tanning.”
Brown spots may appear on the face and over time, may enlarge and multiply. These are areas where exposure to light prompts the skin’s melanocytes, the cells that cause pigment, to go into overdrive. This hyperpigmentation can begin to emerge as early as one’s late 20s and continue throughout life.
Last but not least, skin may sag, forming jowls along the jawline and drooping eyelids. Most sagging of the face and elsewhere on the body occurs over time due to gravity. But we now know that light exposure accelerates the breakdown of collagen.
Skin Cancer Risk Remains in California Winters
Although we’re talking about aesthetic damage light can cause to skin even during California winters, we don’t want to overlook the ever-present risk of skin cancer. According to CDC statistics, California registers about 50,000 new cases of skin cancer per year.
Some good news is that preventing ultraviolet light damage to your skin’s appearance can also help prevent skin cancer. But beware—even a mole that never sees the light of day may become cancerous. In order to cover all your bases, it’s best to schedule an annual skin check with your CSI board-certified dermatologist.
What Sunscreen Works Best for California Winters
Tip #2:
Sunscreen for California winters are the opposite of how we eat. During the winter months we mostly prefer heavier stews and soups compared to lighter fare. But we can go lighter in our winter sunscreen choices and heavier in the summer.
For winter sunscreen, you could opt for a lighter weight formulation sunscreen with an SPF of 30-50. Unless you’re an outdoor sports enthusiast – and there are many of us in SoCal and even in the San Francisco Bay Area – who surfs, sails, bicycles and runs even in winter or hits the ski slopes. Then you’ll need to stay with a sunscreen with an SPF of 45 – 50; preferably a formulation that includes zinc.
When and How to Apply Sunscreen in Winter
Tip #3
If it is light enough outside to read without a lamp, you need to wear sunscreen. Even if the sky is shrouded with California coastal fog or we’re getting some drought-quenching rain.
And yes, natural light from windows may cause skin damage unless the glass is specially treated to screen out ultraviolet rays.
Basically, you should apply sunscreen daily. Build it into your morning routine. Perhaps right after you brush your teeth. Keep sunscreen handy and visible in your bathroom to help you get into the habit.
Squeeze a small glob onto your palm. With the fingertips of your other hand, gently tap the sunscreen all over your face and neck. Then, with both hands, continue tapping until the sunscreen is evenly spread.
Tip #4
Don’t rub in sunscreen. Let your skin absorb all the sunscreen it can – like a plant absorbing water. If there is still white residue on the surface of your skin, gently blot it with a towel. Try always to avoid vigorous pulling and rubbing your skin’s delicate fibers.
Reapply at least once during the day – perhaps at lunchtime – more frequently if you’re spending hours outdoors.
Bonus California Winter Sun Care Advice
Although winter solstice has passed, the days are still shorter. That means the California sun is currently less harsh than in the summer. Instead of trying to avoid the sun between 10 am – 3 pm, now it’s more like between 11 am – 2 pm.
Plus, wear a hat with a minimum 4-inch brim and sunglasses, preferably wraparound or with wide ear pieces.
Why You Should Schedule A Skin Check as Part of Your Winter Self-Care
At CSI, we have many clinically proven and scientifically advanced ways to repair sun damaged skin. These include lasers, chemical peels, injectable fillers, thread lifts, facelifts and for skin cancer, full medical treatment including Mohs surgery. But as licensed practitioners, we advocate prevention – we want you to maintain optimum skin health and vibrancy for as long as possible. Make an appointment for an annual skin check so we can help you do just that.